
Shenghua Auto Parts City Beijing to build after-market auto parts industry operators An Juxing hom

Shenghua Auto Parts City Beijing to build after-market auto parts industry operators An Juxing hom,mbt zum Verkauf

Shenghua Auto Parts City Auto Parts City, Beijing's a real dark horse! 2006 8 months, he shocked the industry's preferential policies, the operation of a professional management team, in just 4 months time all over the country gathered heavyweight merchants, and in February 2007 entered the normal operations, creating the city of Beijing auto parts industry across the country and even the history of the "price" the most, "start rate" in most magic!

2009 2 17, Shenghua Auto Parts City Hsu HC Network General has accepted an interview. Beijing Shenghua Auto Parts City XU total HC Network : Xu total Hello,christian louboutin soldes, welcome to HC network. Beijing Shenghua Auto Parts City Auto Parts City is a dark horse. From August 2006 to start planning to start in February 2007 after running into a period of rapid development, you can tell us about the scale and Shenghua now operating conditions it? ?

Total Xu : Shenghua Auto Parts City, a moderate scale in building size. We first established, Beijing City has just experienced the auto parts and after several years of intense competition is gradually beginning to rational development. In recent years, the Beijing Auto bumps displacement operators can use the term to describe, because competition among auto parts market, leading to large businesses moving again, debilitating. So we create the spirit of "Beijing auto parts industry operators An Juxing home," the purpose, intended to create a stable and sustainable development of auto parts markets; combined with the situation at that time, our position is the main Shenghua Public And European pieces, put an end to the road to embark on a small but complete.

Shenghua Auto Parts City,mbt schuhe, now has 300 high-quality businesses, the public pieces of auto parts is second only to the western suburbs of the city, while Europe and the United States should be leading side pieces.

After parts market is a market demand to demand, and Shenghua direction is in line with the basic laws of this market. Event are efforts to build a professional, high quality Auto Parts City.

HC Network : Since opening two years,Christian Louboutin Pas Cher, Shenghua have been developing at high speed. For Shenghua, the current of our biggest problems? Shenghua going to do?

Total Xu : Like I just mentioned, Shenghua was founded to "create operator An Juxing Beijing Auto Industry home." To this end, Shenghua Auto Parts City, from the beginning the problems faced is how to continuously improve the quality of Auto Parts City business, how can the ring as the market continues to gather a group to develop their operations,christian louboutin france, how to create a complete business structure and operation of the state. In the past three years, we optimize business resources of hardwork. All in all the measures we have taken is "superior to inferior survival." Not, in fact Xiang Man, last year a total of a friendly "please the" nearly 50 merchants.

HC Network : For the Shenghua, we hesitate to unilateral breach of contract as well as "superior to inferior survival," is it?

Total Xu : In fact, we take effective measures to guarantee the interests of all businesses, including being invited out of business. Shenghua begin operations 1 yuan / square meter price policy and signed a one-year for three years has been the implementation of preferential policies,hogan, we were "invited out" business symbolically charged in January's rent, and compensation for its stores renovation cost. In the future if the tenants in the adjusted business model or idea, the operational excellence, we always welcome them back. This is an optimization mechanism that Shenghua Auto Parts City, not only to bring vitality to the auto parts businesses brings the city's vast power. Last year we "please the" nearly 50 businesses, including two later returned to us Shenghua, and a completely new look in business, huh, huh.

HC Network : As the new building before the fire a few days of CCTV,christian louboutin soldes, fire safety industries across the country has once again reached a new climax. For our city for auto parts, auto parts northeast of the city before, and this fifth day of the Southern Auto Parts City, Taiyuan, have built a fire, caused significant losses to businesses. Shenghua Auto Parts City area in which fire safety precautions or ways to improve it?

Total Xu : Extremely heavy fire safety, fire safety management has been the management of content Shenghua Auto Parts City, the top priority. In addition to that you just mentioned a few fires, long ago, Wuhan Hanzhengjie on fire, to an enormous loss of business. News with the "Wuhan Hanzhengjie fire, heavy multi-millionaire ruined street vendor" in the headline.

Shenghua Auto Parts City in the fire safety management, in addition to scientific and rational and fully equipped with all kinds of fire fighting equipment, we are in the system and very stringent management requirements. We hired a fire armed with 13 years experience as our comrades responsible for fire safety; In addition, we have occasional inspections per week, once a fire service or business fire safety violations, we will immediately correct or punishment. Especially prohibited to use electrical appliances, Luanla wire, smoking, etc. Control is in place.

In addition, we actively mobilize Auto Parts City business on the insurance, if not afraid of ten thousand afraid. With these auto parts from the city fire incidents, we have stepped up efforts in this area of management.

HC Network : Financial crisis is constantly hitting the real economy, the automotive industry first to undergo the biggest test. Shenghua Auto Parts City, we are, what impact? Shenghua Auto Parts City will take to respond?

Total Xu : Financial crisis impact on the automotive industry are mainly vehicle industry and to host Supporting Plant parts company main business is embodied in vehicle sales market in the doldrums. The impact of the Auto Parts City is not very clear, as opposed to parts manufacturers such downstream industries, the Auto Parts City, the impact on smaller. Only the amount of motor vehicle in Beijing on 400 million, there are so many cars on the road there is loss of parts. After the parts market and the financial crisis will not shrink, and we are States adopted a series of positive measures, from the 2009 auto market is up.

Nevertheless, we took appropriate measures to respond to crises that may arise. Auto Parts City, as the measures we have taken reasonable management major is to guide business, put more energy into the parts later on the market.

HC Network : Thanks for accepting our interview with the total Xu, Shenghua Auto Parts City,chaussures christian louboutin, I believe will become the auto parts industry after the market operators An Juxing home.

Total Xu : Thank you! This is our persistent goal. Shenghua Automotive Industry Park Profile : Shenghua Auto Industrial Park is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing four camps, the park has Shenghua Auto Parts City, 5 Fang Tianya Auto Parts City, nearly a thousand Auto Parts Professional business image shows several hundred stores, while a collection of more than ten steam

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